German Model 1938 Government Officials Dagger by Alcoso-This example has a silver plated brass hilt that remains in excellent condition. The spanner nut on the top is also in fine condition looking to have only been taken down maybe once. The backstrap runs downward with its v style decorative line and the front strap plate is a nickel version still having fine plating The ferrule is the usual Alcoso type with the two decorative lines running around it. The cross guard is in nice condition featuring the open wing eagle with wing tips pointing upward. The eagle has good detail to the feathering and the wreath is also quite good. The grip plates are the fine swirl pattern simulated mother-of-pearl perfectly fitted and masterfully cut. There is a steel scabbard that is a very fine example having full silvering throughout and remaining nice and straight. The pebble pattern is still crisp throughout, with bands featuring the overlapping oak leaves with acorns exhibiting good detail. The eyes are the standard Alcoso type with the inner sleeves for the rings. The eyelets are triple serrated and still crisp, while the throat is retained by two flatter head side screws. The blade remains in perfect bright mint condition having its fine needle-like tip, being etched on the reverse with the 1940 vintage trademark featuring Alcoso atop the scales the firm’s initials ACS interspersed. Below is “Solingen”, with the original blue washer remaining in place. A very nice, high quality government official dagger!
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