THE LOST VIDEO - Honolulu August 1945

LOST FILM - Honolulu August 1945

You might have seen this before but it is worth seeing again especially since the  72nd anniversary is approaching. My thanks go out to Rich Newman et al for reminding me of this great long lost video from August of 1945.

This is a great video of a Spontaneous Victory Parade in Honolulu in 1945. Take a look at this video-absolutely fabulous! Notice the cars, jeeps, and youth.

 The guys in khaki or gray shirts and black ties are Navy officers or chiefs. The rest are Army or Marine. How young they all were to do what they did. This guy really captured a moment in history!

(You can hear Jimmy Durante singing "I'll be Seeing You" in the background, too)

 This is a super video of a time past - we need to never ever forget and be THANKFUL.

Check out the color it's not bad for 1945. Nothing will ever compare with Kodachrome film.

Click below for the video: