
Collection of Letters of Congratulations on Birth of Edda Göring

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Collection of Letters of Congratulations on Birth of Edda Göring-This grouping starts with two formal greeting cards wishing “congratulations on your happy event”. One is dated 1946. There is a really great letter from Reichsminister of Justice Dr. Franz Gürtner. It is congratulating Göring on the birth of his daughter (Edda of course) and the date is June 2, 1938, her exact date of birth. There is a note that is dated 1944 but it is entirely in Sutterlin script and I am having trouble translating it. It must be something as it was saved despite being just a simple piece of paper and pencil. The next item is a letter of congratulations from the mayor of Aachen, Pfingsten dated 1938 and sending along their well wishes to “Heer Ministerpräsident” on the birth of their little daughter Edda. This is on letterhead with the coat of arms of the city at the top. One letter has a newspaper clipping of Emmy and Hermann on their wedding day. The letter is actually a poem (initials E.B. at the end) followed by congratulations on the birth of Edda. This is signed on the back by Erna Berndt. Also included is sheet music, two pages in length. The composer is also Erna (Krause) Berndt and the song title is “Wir sind vom Stamm der Cherusker” or “We are from the Cherusci Tribe”. The Cherusci were a tribal group in ancient Germania which lived in the area on both sides of the upper We He and lived in what is now East Westphalia-Lippe and in Lower Saxony up to the Elbe. There are two more letters of congratulation as well with small pictures attached. Since the Göring family received over 650,000 (!) letters of congratulations, these must be special to have been saved. A one-of-a-kind grouping!