German Early WWI Telegraph Buckle-Bronzed multi piece convex long buckle. It displays the Imperial crown in the center over an open-ended wreath with the inscription "GOTT MIT UNS" (God is with Us). The brackets are riveted in place on either end on the obverse in order to hold the frame that supported a reel of telegraph wire. There is slight discoloration on the top left side of the obverse. This is very nicely marked on the front with the name of the unit/battery F. 102 Fa, and some other information which is difficult to make out. This buckle has been worn, it’s the reverse where you can wear and dents. This doesn’t detract from this buckle, just reminds us that this was a working tool for someone in a very important job, keeping the lines of communication open. I’m sure these guys were a big target for the enemy. It reminds you that even some of the most routine jobs could be the most dangerous. A very interesting buckle.