
Scrapbook Grouping of Nürnberg Defendants

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  • $ 795

Scrapbook Grouping of Nürnberg Defendants-This grouping consists of six pages removed from a scrapbook. There are 11 photos in the book (a separate bonus is included), all very clearly identified and in great detail. The 11 pics are of the members of the Third Reich who were hung after being found guilty at the Nürnberg trials in 1946. Each pic shows the man after he was assassinated. They are lying on a simple wooden coffin in a gymnasium. Each is dated October 16, 1946. These include Göring, von Ribbentrop, Keitel, Jodl, Frick, Rosenberg, Kaltenbrunner, Frank, Sauckel, Streicher and Seyss-Inquart. Of course, Göring is the only one who is not shown with a noose around his neck, he escaped the hangman by sneaking his cyanide capsule. The “bonus” is a pic of Heinrich Himmler after his suicide. These are graphic but it is history. There is a missing picture from the first page. It was of three of the main war criminals seen at the trial.